Könnyű kezelés

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Pages: 75-92
Authors: Zsófia Tischner, Bálint Izsák and Anna Páldy

Nowadays more and more extreme weather events occur due to climate change. Hungary is extermely vulnerable to floods, inland water inundations and droughts; they can occur almost every year in any parts of the country due to the geographical position, geological and hydrological characteristics. Other events like wildfires are not so serious in Hungary as in the mediterranean countries. As these extreme events can happen more and more frequently, there is a need to prepare for the reduction of health impacts of these events. The Hyogo Framework for Action, the WHO and the Public Health England have formulated recommendations for risk reduction and measures of prevention of health impacts of extreme weather events.

In this paper the authors give a description of the different types of extreme weather events, of their health impacts in Europe and in Hungary and the possible preventive measures based on international recommendations.

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Download this file (4.cikk2019I_[1].pdf)Tischner - Extreme 2021-10-08
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